The Magic Of Craft

Lonely Cowgirl at Raindance

Lonely Cowgirl is nominated for Best Music Video at Raindance this year, alongside Corner of my Sky, Don’t Judge Me and Posing in Bondage.

Congratulations Lydia, Ben, Cherrelle, Lucy, Olivia, Marie, Ana, Debbie, Ned and Karol.

Best Music Video Nominee

A sexy, queer, lesbian music video for Trouble Wanted full of high drag and John Waters-style weirdness. Within this western-themed utopia, Lonely Cowgirl and her love interest, a dyke trucker, share more than lusty looks. The night is young, so pull up a bar stool and enjoy the ride!

Cast: Lilisquee, Lucy Nurnberg, June Lam, Dean Corton

Writer: Lydia Garnett, Lucy Nurnberg, Olivia Norris, Marie Malarie, Ana Rita Tiene 

Producer: Cherrelle Redley Murrain 

Director of Photography: Ben Marshall 

Editor: Debbie Novo, Ned Alderwick 

Music: Trouble Wanted


Find out more here 

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