The Magic Of Craft

Toby and Frida feature in Pitch's ‘Supermen & Superwomen 2020’ list

Our amazing COO, Frida Nilsson, features alongside Founder Toby Tomkins this year on Pitch Magazine’s ‘100 Superwomen & Supermen’ list.



Nominated by Frida, she said: “Toby is - and always has been - a proud champion of emerging and underrepresented talent. He has nurtured CHEAT’s talent since day one, most recently with newest junior colourist, Karol, and regularly supports events and initiatives which inspire and future-proof the creative industry; including for female cinematographer collective, illuminatrix dops”


Nominated by Toby, he said: “Frida joined us in February and with her she brought a wealth of knowledge, experience and maturity to the team. She has been monumental in reshaping the team dynamic at CHEAT and continues to amaze us with her ambition, patience and smile. She is a superwoman through and through.”


Read it here.


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