The Magic Of Craft

There's Always A Solution

We do it all. With creativity,
innovation and positivity.

With a deep love for our craft, we bring bespoke aesthetics to commercials, TV, film and music videos.

Client experience means everything to us. We’re here to help you create award-winning, groundbreaking work, and have a great time doing it!

Colour Grading

We made our name as pioneers of colour, delivering invisible artistry for award-winning projects.

While we are working physically in the suites, we are also moving grading forward remotely; bringing the highest quality, easy setup to any laptop, iOS device, monitor, TV or edit suite. So, wherever you are and whatever your schedule, we can bring your moving image to life.

View our colourists or get in touch


We look after the final stages of online and finishing, to help you land exceptional images.

With dedicated online/Flame suites and a roster of the best talent, we deliver a wide range of services tailored to your requirements – in-house or remotely.

View our online work or get in touch


We offer our clients the ultimate in VFX! If it’s not possible to shoot it, together we can cheat it. The teams we work with are highly experienced VFX veterans known for delivering award-winning, Televisual Top 10 work.

View our VFX work or get in touch

Film Emulation

We love the film aesthetic – it defined our vocation. Long fascinated with emulating film looks, we know how to elicit the feelings evoked by film’s unmistakable organic aesthetic.

Extensive research and development and Cheat proprietary tools mean we can tailor a unique look for any project. We also offer custom film profiling and LUT creation, allowing us to shape the look development.

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We're moving!

We're now part of Harbor Picture Company and are no longer updating this site. For new advertising and entertainment work, head over to Harbor, or to see our work archive continue to Cheat.

Wondering what this all means for you? Read the FAQs here.

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